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Faruk Hancarlıoglu

Customer Service

After-sales service excellence and customer support are key elements for a successful business in Turkey.

Turkish customers are protected by regulations and directives on product import, liability, safety, and after-sales services. Ministries often make changes to these regulations that may affect your products or services.

Turkey is a vast country, and most products are subject to mandatory after-sale service. This is important to consider because there is an obligatory minimum number of authorized service stations and at least one service station per region for certain product categories. In any case, authorized service stations themselves must comply with regulations, and their authorization certificates have to be renewed periodically on expiration.

The Consumer Protection Law also requires certain goods to be supplied with a guarantee certificate for at least two years.

EXCOIM team will support you to get qualified service partners or build up your own service stations, or both.

We also will provide localization and certification services, selecting and designing your service management systems, warranty and operation cost control, product life management, and customer satisfaction services.